Thursday, April 23, 2009
4/23/2009 08:56:00 PM
It happened to fast, just too fast. When we were in Batam, it seemed so far away and now it is over. I still cannot accept the fact that it is over. I couldn't really enjoy the process as it just flew pass me so quickly, too fast for me to catch it. I really hope all of this could just happen one more time, just one more time... I just want to feel it again the fun the excitement we all got through.
But now, studies comes first and I'm going to do well in it so I MUST jia you! To all my beloved choir member, JIA YOUS IN YOUR UPCOMING EXAMS!
4/23/2009 08:38:00 PM
Well done people for achieving it! Our hard work had paid off and we made an inprovement too! All in all WELL DONE! 3 cheers for you guys!
I sang my best and I left the stage without any regrets...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
4/19/2009 03:49:00 PM
I just came to realise that after the SYF competition most probably I might not have another chance to go up on to that very stage I used to perform on in Victoria Concert Hall. A stage that has brought to me a lot of fond memories. I have never thought of or even imagine that I would not be perform in there anymore. Tears just filled my eyes when the thought of it triggered.
Friday, April 17, 2009
4/17/2009 09:00:00 PM
Can you people believe it? 6 more day till SYF!! I'm so excited! Can't wait for the day to arrive.(:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
4/16/2009 09:08:00 PM
I know my blog is like super dead and people is like pestering me to update so I finally found the time to update!(:
This few weeks had been super super busy. I'm juggling school, tons of homework and CCA which means less sleeping time. There are times where i can just doze off in class but don't worry I still can keep up with the things the teachers are teaching.
I making sure I going to sleep 24 hours straight after my exams cause if you people have seen the state I'm in, you would understand what I mean. Although I love bears but I don't intend to become one at all(panda).
Anyway, the day of the year is arriving very soon!!XD It would be a big early present for me if the choir is able to achieve a GOLD for SYF but it seem to be very difficult cause the chances is like 10%? It would be good if we can maintain the silver. I don't wish that my last SYF to turn out to be a disaster which means I don't want anything that is below silver and I don't want to disappoint the seniors. So people lets all work hard toward that common goal(SYF and studies) and achieve the best result we can!(: